Saturday, August 1, 2015

Meet Jesus - Day 7 of 40 - Gate

Jesus said, "Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures." (John 10:9 NLT)

Jesus later explained, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

People of different world faiths say there are all sorts of ways to God, to heaven--all of which involve man doing something to earn that entrance. You can say such religions have an entrance fee to heaven. You need to give something to whoever/whatever is working the front gate. 

Disney World offers a "FastPass" system to allow ticketholders shorter lines to the most popular rides and attractions. You receive your "FastPass" passes after you've paid your expensive ticket price. 

Imagine with Jesus (and I know this is a stretch), that as you come to the Gate--Himself--you are given that FastPass to God immediately. Your entrance, in fact, is free because He Jesus has paid the price of your admission. This was done by His work on the cross, dying for your sins. 

This is just one way of explaining Jesus: Gate to another. How else might you make this introduction?

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