Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Meet Jesus - Day 17 of 40 - Savior

"I am writing to Titus, my true son in the faith that we share. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior give you grace and peace." (Titus 1:4 NLT)

Pop culture definitely grasps the idea of "savior." It is not a foreign, "churchy" word in our media. This is especially seen in comics and super-hero movies. Now there are the assemble heros (i.e The Avengers), but these teams are typically first built up by the lone hero stories. Interestingly enough, I watched the first 5 minutes of the cartoon movie Planet Hulk. As Hulk is blasted out of Earth's atmosphere in a spacecraft (expelled by the Avengers), an alien from a distant planet is praying (to whomever) for a savior to save his people. And boom, comes the Hulk!

Unlike pop culture, Jesus is the real deal. He is the Savior of the world. For our sins, which kept us separated from our Holy God, Jesus came in to our world (sent by God the Father) to take our punishment, to pay our penalty, to die for our that we may live, not perish, and have eternal life. 

What does Jesus: Savior mean to you? Where else in our culture do people look to saviors? Sports? Politics? Give some specific examples. 

Not to diminish or downcast such individuals' accomplishments and possibly selfless service, but how do such folks pale in comparison to Jesus: Savior

What are other ways, examples, we can introduce Jesus: Savior, the real deal, to our communities, to our friends, to our neighbors?

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