Thursday, August 20, 2015

Meet Jesus - Day 23 of 40 - Mediator

me·di·a·tor (mēdēˌādər) / noun - a go-between; one who gets in the middle of two parties for the purpose of reconciliation. 

Another word for go-between is bridge. If there is a great divide between point A and point B, we need a bridge to reconcile that gap. That is what Jesus is...our bridge to God, our mediator with God the Father.

"For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 2:5 NLT)

Review the bridge analogy. Become familiar with it. Practice it with another follower of Jesus. Learn to share it verbally. Learn to share it by actually drawing it out. Take turns and try this during a small group meeting. 

Here is one way to introduce Jesus: Mediator to another. As you practice it, you become that much more equipped, prepared and ready when given the opportunity to share with one who is far from God. 

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