Wednesday, October 7, 2015

new 10 day devotional coming tomorrow....ME IN JESUS

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1 ESV)

I believe all followers of Jesus need those regular reminders as to who we are in Jesus. For whatever reason we allow lies to pervade our mind and forget the truth of our existence in Jesus. Those lies do no good...for ourselves...for the loved ones in our lives. Thankfully in God's Word, especially from the apostle Paul, we have many reminders of the truth as to who we are in Jesus. 

You are invited to join me tomorrow for the 10-day journey - Me In Jesus. I could easily have titled this Us In Jesus, but I desire for you, the reader, to really understand who YOU are in Jesus so that you may be encouraged, equipped and hear/know/believe the truth about yourself. Of course you are invited to pass this devo on to others so that they may be encouraged as well.

On the lighter side of life, have a laugh over the lies Brick Tamland believed about himself and the joy he received from the truth. :)

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