Thursday, October 15, 2015

Me in Jesus - Day 4 of 10

Impossible (right?!) for a butterfly to revert back to a caterpillar? So are we to understand who we are in Jesus.

That person who you were, your regretful past, your sins, ALL gone in Jesus! You can want to not forgive yourself. You can want to hold onto and dwell on the past. But that would be of your own doing and choosing. 

In God's eyes, because of what Jesus did on the cross for you, your old self is gone. Gone. Gone. Gone!

In Jesus you ARE a new creation. So what does this mean for your life moving forward? What are the implications? How are you encouraged? Who in your life needs this reminder as well?

Watch the following for a fun way to remember the good news of 2 Corinthians 5:17:

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