Thursday, October 8, 2015

Me in Jesus - Day 1 of 10

"Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life." (Romans 6:3-4 ESV)

Most of this 10-day devotional is about assurances--assurances of the truth as to who we are in Jesus. These assurances knock down the lies we tell ourselves and/or the deceptions we allow the evil one to whisper in our ears. 

Your baptism into Jesus was more than a "thing" you did. It was more than a symbolic ritual that happened to your life. It was more than a proclamation of faith. Your baptism into Jesus was transformational! Your baptism was God changing your life--all His work--100% credit goes to Him. The power of this life change, what made it all possible, flowed out of Jesus dying for your sins and being raised from the dead. Jesus did this so that we would walk in newness of life.

If you were baptized into Jesus, you have a new life--the old is gone! That is the truth as to who you are! There was something in the water which changed your life forever. 

Watch Carrie Underwood's music video Something in the Water. Listen to the lyrics carefully. In the song, where do you find God's work in baptism? What hope does Carrie reflect upon regarding her being baptized into Christ? What encouragement do you find in Carrie's testimony? How may you walk in newness of life with the hope and promise God gifted you through baptism? (And if you believe in Jesus, have faith in Him, but have not been baptized, what's stopping you from receiving this amazing grace gift?)

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