Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Meet Jesus - Day 10 of 40 - Forgiver

Read Luke 5:17-26.

Not to downplay at all the miracle of healing Jesus performed on the young paralytic man, but the truly outstanding work of Jesus done by Him in this account was His forgiveness of sin. “Young man, your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 5:20b NLT) Jesus had the power to forgive one's lifetime accumulation of sins (countless as they were), rebellions, addictions, stupid decisions, self-centered motives, etc.

The Pharisee were aghast, "Only God can forgive sins!" (Luke 5:21b NLT)   

Yep. That is who forgave the sins. And Jesus has the power to continue forgiving sin. He has the power to forgive YOUR sins. He, in fact, died on the cross so that sins of all who believe in Him would be forgiven.

What does Jesus: Forgiver mean to you?  Have you ever shared this with another? What about doing so today? 

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