Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Easter eggs in the Old Testament?

Did you know that there are Easter eggs in the Old Testament? TONS OF THEM!
Now I’m not speaking of the traditional dyed and decorated holiday eggs. The “Easter eggs” I’m referring to are the intentional, hidden messages found in all sorts of media (movies, video games, books, etc.). My son revealed a couple Easter eggs to me last night when watching “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” (like Club Obi Wan).
As an adult you may be more familiar with the word “prophecy”. But when explaining the meaning of “The Lord WILL provide” (Genesis 22:14) to my 10 year old son, sharing that this was an Easter egg ABOUT JESUS (who the Lord would provide as the ultimate sacrifice to save His people) QUICKLY registered in his brain. It spoke his language. And he loved it!
As we continue to read through Genesis and other OT books, I’m looking forward to showing him more Easter eggs! smile emoticon ...and it is funny how these Easter eggs actually point to Jesus and what we remember and celebrate on that spring Sunday holiday.

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